Sunday, July 1, 2007

a geocaching we will go...

geocaching. something few of you may know of, but definitely something lorri and i are glad to be getting back into. similar to letterboxing, which you may have heard of, geocaching is essentially a treasure hunt (generally) involving a GPS. a few years back lorri bought me a garmin etrex legend, facilitating our entry into geocaching. thanks to websites like, it's really easy to locate caches most places (except bar harbor, ME, which is why we haven't gone since we moved away from guilford, CT). there are a ton within even 10 miles of our current home, so we thought it was about time we get back in the game, especially since Arwyn enjoys the outdoors so much.

we did a quick cache yesterday, involving a short hike in cockaponset state forest. while it was Arwyn's first cache, daddy wasn't smart enough to bring a camera. anyhow, we set out again today on two more hunts in the next town over. handily, both of these sites were within the distance of an easy bike ride.

we found the first cache fairly easily, though some stealth was involved. you see, it was hidden in a very public place with lots of people around, and tradition dictates discretion when non-cachers ("muggles", much like in Harry Potter) are around. silly, perhaps, but who am i to break the rules? anyhow, the second cache was good too. it was found near a small gazebo at which we gave Arwyn a snack and let her run around a bit. she was particularly fond of a small monument set in the ground, as this video shows. she demonstrates one of her amusing mom-taught mannerisms here, that being "relaxing".

1 comment:

Jarod said...

The geocaching does sound fun! I guess since I dont have a GPS, you cant tell me what loot you have found or left on your treks. It is strange that there are none in Bar Harbor it does seems like an ideal place for it. I do assume that you left a cache there b4 you left...