Thursday, October 18, 2007

she loves pumpkins

she loves pumpkins
Originally uploaded by topoisomerase

just a picture from last weekend's pumpkin finding expedition.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

sporting her pink vest

...and a blue popsicle stain on her head.

sporting her pink vest
Originally uploaded by topoisomerase

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

a look back in time...

...well, about a year ago at least. i've been organizing all of our (THOUSANDS) of pictures lately using google's picasa, which i love. anyhow, i got to October 2006, and was amazed as usual thinking about how much this little peanut has changed over the past year. a handy feature of picasa is that you can post to blogger blogs from inside the software, so here we are. if you hadn't guessed, this gem is from Arwyn's first Halloween.

Posted by Picasa
and yes, we have this year's costume ready to go. stay tuned!

Monday, October 15, 2007

the nutty professor

not much to say here, just a few cute pics of Arwyn trying on some gag glasses (which she calls "grokkies") that she got at a friend's birthday party. that hat's pretty cute too, eh? she's reasonably obsessed with pumpkins of late ('tis the season after all), so thankfully it's easy to get her to wear a much-needed hat, given the cold weather we've been experiencing.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

phase I - ducks

if i've not mentioned it before, Lorri's latest undertaking is raising some ducks and chickens. last thursday we received the first shipment, which contained our three female Rouen (basically giant mallard) ducklings as well as three female Pekins for our friends. this first clip is from the evening of the day they arrived, in which you can get a look at the black (ours) and yellow (our friends') ducklings. pretty cute, eh?

as you can imagine, Arwyn is really into the ducks. when i came home from work the day they arrived, she just kept repeating "baby ducks" - which is super cute, and also a great example of how she's stringing together words these days, which is cool to see (and you'll get a sampling of that towards the end of this clip). of course her interactions with the ducklings have to be quite supervised, but generally she understands that she has to be very gentle with them.

stay tuned for updates on phase II - chickens. you'll have to wait a little while as i don't think they'll arrive until the end of the month...

PS - next time i'll post some pictures of the coop that Lorri and her dad have been building. the framework is nearly complete and it looks great!

at work and at play

just a couple of short videos from a typical morning's activities. after a very typical breakfast of cereal (still obsessed with Yogurt Burst Cheerios) and some bananas, playtime resumed. the first clip is one i'm happy i was able to get after hearing her scribbling away on her easel. i think she realized drawing with one hand at a time is a little easier than using both simultaneously.

this second video is just a short clip of Arwyn having with with (mostly popping) bubbles. she has been asking about them during breakfast since the bottle is easily within her sight while she's at the table.

it's worth pointing out that Arwyn is completely obsessed with The Wonder Pets. it's a pretty cute show, i've got to agree.