Saturday, March 3, 2007

12 month check-up

hi everyone! Arwyn went to the doctor for her 12 month check-up this past Wednesday. everything went very well. although we did have to prick her finger to take blood for an iron/lead/hemoglobin test which was pretty tough on her. they had to take a lot of blood out of her finger :( however, she was walking all over the place in the exam room! she seems to walk around a lot more when we are out - at home she just wants to hold my hand and walk around or crawl. below are her numbers for those of you who are interested....

Length = 29 inches
= 21.5 pounds
Head circumference
= 18.3 inches


= between 50th and 75th percentile
= between 50th and 75th percentile
Head Circumference
= above the 100th percentile ( ! )
(that's because it's full of brains -jason)

here's a cute pic of her taking a bath from the other night. she had her grumpy pants on b/c she was tired, hence the strange look:

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Grandpa says she is such a cutie when she is cranky