is how i described it in another forum. my first big non-car purchase (outside of my portion of my college education) was
this television. it is huge and super heavy, but awesome. back before no one was talking much about HD - certainly not 1080p, this bear was top of the line. of course sony had to one up me with a 40" within a year of my purchase, but that sucker would never have worked out where i've lived. but i digress. a few weeks ago we made the plunge into the present generation of HDTVs and purchased a Samsung LCD, which we love. however, having no "free space" available for the big guy, he had to go. knowing that Dad and Patty were in the market for a new TV and being in possession of a room that could manage this 238 lb. behemoth, it was great timing. they borrowed a truck and came up to visit this weekend. thankfully our friend Paul (who has helped move this TV at least four of the six times it has been relocated) was available and willing to come over today to help get it in the truck. that operation was a great success so right now it's en route to its new home. safe travels, old friend. over the years you provided much entertainment for movie and video game nights we hosted in CT and ME. i apologize in advance that you'll have to endure Red Sox and Patriots games in your new home. you always were a New Yorker at heart :)

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