Saturday, December 20, 2008

arwyn's first trip to the dentist

i'm a little late posting this but arwyn took her first trip to the dentist a few weeks ago. she did awesome! usually the first trip is just an introduction to all the instruments, etc. but they ended up doing a full cleaning since arwyn was so into it. she was very excited to wear the sunglasses!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

the tree: it's becoming an annual tradition

ok, so the picture is a little blurry but it's still a good family shot (courtesy of another tourist who offered to take it). as you've gleaned from my earlier posts today we visited NYC and of course that trip included a stop to Rockefeller Center to see THE (so i'm an ethnocentric New Yorker) Christmas tree there. it wasn't nearly as cold as last year which was great. it was however completely chaotic and jam packed full of holiday revelers, as is expected two weeks before Christmas.  

it should be mentioned once again that Arwyn is an amazing traveler. she was really well behaved all day despite having no nap (it's not required these days but it's helpful). we are lucky.

ipods are amazing.

ipods are amazing.
Originally uploaded by topoisomerase

i mean, we've had them for years so we're well aware of their utility as adjunct car stereo devices, for use while working out, etc. but when you combine TiVo + PC + ipod with video you can readily provide a little mobile entertainment for your child who has been going strong all day. it's a long train ride from NYC to New Haven!

on our way to NYC via train

on our way to NYC via train
Originally uploaded by topoisomerase

we're on Metro North with Grandpa and Patty en route to a nice day in the city. we plan to visit the always popular Rose Center at the American Museum of Natural History as well as Rockefeller Center. Arwyn loved the tree and the lights last year and i'm sure this time will be no different.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

no more binky? meet Jingle Bells

who of course is Arwyn's new toy horse. three days ago the Binky Fairy came and picked up all of Arwyn's remaining pacifiers - to give them to needy babies everywhere, naturally! when she woke in the morning Arwyn found the horse along with her favorite Germany candy, a Kinder Egg, in the place where the bag of pacifiers was the night before. needless to say Jingle Bells has become her new favorite toy.

she immediately took to dragging the horse around the house by the reins, which is cute, but the sound of screeching plastic is highly non-desirable. Lorri had the bright idea of sticking some felt slides to the feet which made it easier for Arwyn to pull around and also eliminated the noise. great success! anyhow, for your viewing pleasure, a cute little clip of Arwyn pulling the horse around.

note: Jingle Bells' hair was much prettier with the braids that Lorri had originally put in. the frizzy look is now in given all of that dragging around, static electricity goodness :)

Saturday, November 22, 2008

switzerland ahoy!

here are some pics from our trip to switzerland (sorry it took so long!). my mom, arwyn and i had a great time and enjoyed lots of cheese and chocolate. arwyn enjoyed lots of kinder eggs (these chocolate eggs they sell in europe that have a toy inside). she was a really good girl for the trip - we only had a couple of toddler tantrums :)

visiting the aquarium

visiting the aquarium
Originally uploaded by topoisomerase

the aquarium comes in handy on blustery days like today! we really get a lot out of our membership. here, Arwyn is checking out the beluga whales.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

back home and on familiar turf

back home and on familiar turf
Originally uploaded by topoisomerase

as many of you know, Lorri, her mom, and Arwyn just returned from 2 weeks of gallavanting in La Suisse. (nice, eh?) it sounds like they had a great time and there are hundreds of pictures of their many adventures. i'm sure someone will post them soon (hint, hint) :) it's great to have them home. Arwyn and i are enjoying a nice visit to the playground right now.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

a little serenade from the wee one

i was cleaning up a little in the living room tonight when i realized a certain someone was singing in the front room. she's still going to Music Together and seems to be getting more out of it that ever. anyhow, i thought this was cute and i've been trying to take more video lately like i used to. sorry it's a little dark but hopefully you enjoy the clip!

hanging out at the park

hanging out at the park
Originally uploaded by topoisomerase

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Arwyn washing her car with Poppy
Originally uploaded by thesalmonofdoubt.

Arwyn washing her "car" with poppy. she's having a little sleepover with Nora at Gigi and Poppy's to give Mommy and Daddy a much needed break! what are we doing? so far we've had a nice dinner out, had a relaxing morning, and kegged some beer. still working on what to do next...

Sunday, October 5, 2008

required camping gear

required camping gear
Originally uploaded by topoisomerase

one of Lorri's best ideas was to bring the snowsuit for Arwyn. she slept really well despite the cold thanks to this. isn't this a great "first thing in the morning shot"?

camping = happy kids

camping = happy kids
Originally uploaded by topoisomerase

here's a pic from last night. we spent the weekend camping with friends in NH. yes, it was cold, but we all had a great time. yes, the kids are eating apples but NO, that is not their beer. bottle is missing! i know who i'd blame of that group.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

the spoils of the fair

the spoils of the fair
Originally uploaded by topoisomerase

after picking our pumpkins we headed over to an area fair. Arwyn homed in on this inflatable bat from the get go so of course we ended up buying it. why couldn't they have Mets bats??? oh well, at least she didn't ask for the Sox. that wouldn't have ended well.

hugging a pumpkin

hugging a pumpkin
Originally uploaded by topoisomerase

not sure why but it's what she said she was doing...

Saturday, September 27, 2008

she still loves the ladybug coat

she still loves the ladybug coat
Originally uploaded by topoisomerase

taking a walk into town between bouts of rain. i think she'll tire of wearing those boots at some point on the journey...

Saturday, September 20, 2008

making friends at the fair

making friends at the fair
Originally uploaded by topoisomerase

of course :)

at the Chester Eco Arts fair

at the Chester Eco Arts fair
Originally uploaded by topoisomerase

complete with alpacas and the requisite high school Hendrix-esque cover band :) it's a beautiful day after a cold night!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

everyone needs a fire pit

everyone needs a fire pit
Originally uploaded by topoisomerase

i forgot to send this pic 2 weekends ago. this is Lorri (and Arwyn of course)'s latest project. it has been field tested once and performed admirably in the s'mores arena.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

hot cider + warm donuts = perfect

hot cider + warm donuts = perfect
Originally uploaded by topoisomerase

'nuff said. anyone who has been to the cooperstown winter carnival will surely agree.

everyone loves Tractorland

everyone loves Tractorland
Originally uploaded by topoisomerase

well, at least Arwyn does. if i didn't mention it earlier, we're back home for Nana's birthday. the weather having picked up after a rainy saturday, a trip to Fly Creek was in order!

still the best

still the best
Originally uploaded by topoisomerase

there are many apple ciders. none compare to what you get here. period. yeah, they have hard cider too. it's great as well.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

nana's new roof looks good!

nana's new roof looks good!
Originally uploaded by topoisomerase

we're in NY visiting with nana. weather could be better but it's great to see everyone!

Sunday, August 31, 2008

the end of an era

is how i described it in another forum. my first big non-car purchase (outside of my portion of my college education) was this television. it is huge and super heavy, but awesome. back before no one was talking much about HD - certainly not 1080p, this bear was top of the line. of course sony had to one up me with a 40" within a year of my purchase, but that sucker would never have worked out where i've lived. but i digress. a few weeks ago we made the plunge into the present generation of HDTVs and purchased a Samsung LCD, which we love. however, having no "free space" available for the big guy, he had to go. knowing that Dad and Patty were in the market for a new TV and being in possession of a room that could manage this 238 lb. behemoth, it was great timing. they borrowed a truck and came up to visit this weekend. thankfully our friend Paul (who has helped move this TV at least four of the six times it has been relocated) was available and willing to come over today to help get it in the truck. that operation was a great success so right now it's en route to its new home. safe travels, old friend. over the years you provided much entertainment for movie and video game nights we hosted in CT and ME. i apologize in advance that you'll have to endure Red Sox and Patriots games in your new home. you always were a New Yorker at heart :)

a nice visit

a nice visit
Originally uploaded by topoisomerase

from Grandpa and Patty was on the agenda for the weekend. while the weather on saturday didn't cooperate until afternoon, we had a nice time. here is an impromptu hug that i was lucky enough to capture.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

things to do on rainy days

things to do on rainy days
Originally uploaded by thesalmonofdoubt.

having some fun an an expensive Ikea chair at a local indoor playground kinda place. gotta get a good pic with her and Grandpa & Patty!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

the child and...yeah my boat

the child and...yeah my boat
Originally uploaded by topoisomerase

it's a sweet ride, no?

visiting the old digs

visiting the old digs
Originally uploaded by topoisomerase

taking in the summit path on Cadillac Mountain. it's not too busy today though a breeze would be welome given the full sun.

soup is good food

soup is good food
Originally uploaded by topoisomerase

a little cabbage and kale soup at our favorite/only vegetarian restaurant in Bar Harbor, Eden.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

road trips

road trips
Originally uploaded by topoisomerase

resting up is a good idea and helps pass the time, right? we're off to the wilds of Maine for some work-related reasons but more importantly to visit our good friends. more reports on the trip are forthcoming!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

future guitar hero

future guitar hero
Originally uploaded by topoisomerase

at least if i get any say in it. i'm so proud of her... :)

Thursday, August 14, 2008

lousy pictures, phenomenal show

Originally uploaded by sdowen

ok, this is not my picture (thank you flickr) as my cellphone + darkness + distance = poor shots. i have better shots on my "real" camera but i'm far too lazy to grab those right now. wrapping up our summer of great live music was the Radiohead show at the Comcast Center / formerly Tweeter Center / Great Woods. needless to say the guys put on a phenomenal show. not enough OK Computer for my taste but i suppose 3 songs is entirely fair :)

Sunday, August 10, 2008

the mushroom hunter with her quarry

the mushroom hunter with her quarry
Originally uploaded by topoisomerase

the hunt for the perfect fungus continues! fortunately there is no shortage of ideal environments around our property.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

checking out her great grandmother's yard

checking out her great grandmother's yard
Originally uploaded by topoisomerase

a new trick from my grandmother: "put your hands behind your back when you smell the flowers". this (somewhat) reduces undesired bloom/bud picking

lounging on the ferry

lounging on the ferry
Originally uploaded by topoisomerase

sometimes you just want to relax, right?

Long Island-bound!

Long Island-bound!
Originally uploaded by topoisomerase

headed over to LI on the ferry to visit Grandma Anna and Poppy Gio. Happy Birthday, Poppy!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

day one: success.

day one: success.
Originally uploaded by topoisomerase

today was Arwyn's first at her new daycare. as many of you know, Lorri started working part time at the same place as me a few months ago. Arwyn has been watched by a friend (with a 2 yr old son) until now, so this was a big change. of course our child is a social butterfly so she had a lot of fun. she didn't nap though, so she passed out in the car on the way home. is it unreasonably optimistic to hope she won't come down with any of those freaky daycare diseases? :)

Sunday, August 3, 2008

in awe of her first campfire

in awe of her first campfire
Originally uploaded by topoisomerase

see? daddy knows a few useful tricks!

dinner at the camp

dinner at the camp
Originally uploaded by topoisomerase

here we are having a little dinner (Subway to the rescue!) at the campground where we are staying tonight. we're only 20 min from home, a handy distance should things fall apart later on - which i'm sure they won't. after some s'mores i am sure she'll be ready to pass out in our ridiculously large tent. ah, air mattresses . why didn't we have those in Boy Scouts???

Saturday, July 26, 2008

what are you saying about my child?

what are you saying about my child?
Originally uploaded by topoisomerase

seriously, she picked this to ride. hanging out with TEP alumni mit kinder. rides = great success!