1) the ducks have grown...a LOT. this picture doesn't have anything to help with scale but i assure you, they're getting big. their feathers are coming in nicely now and they finally sound "like ducks" after all the weeks we've had of peeping.

here's a short video clip showing one of their favorite pastimes, which is following us (especially Arwyn) around the yard when they're out of the coop. it's a few weeks old at this point so they're a bit small here but you'll get the point.
2) the coop is done! thanks to much hard work by Lorri and her dad (they let me help a little but they did nearly all of it), casa de fowl is finished. the ducks moved out from their basement home to there full-time today. the picture below is from the 90% complete stage, before the door between the two sections and the floor was installed, but you get the idea. i think it came out great!
3) the chickens have arrived so we're on to phase II! we got three each of two different breeds, Buff Orpingtons and Silver-Laced Wyandottes. they've grown a lot in the last two weeks but they've still got some more to go before they can join the ducks out in the coop.
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