it was a long day, for sure, to which the looks on both mom & Arwyn's faces will certainly attest :) we'd hoped to have enough time to check out the carousel at the park, but we'll have to save that for another trip!
today was Earth Day, and while we didn't get to take part in this year's Friends of Acadia MDI cleanup, we did try to enjoy the outdoors. we took our usual morning walk, which is always nice, on which we saw a bunch of trout and perch swimming in one of the tributaries of the Connecticut River. after all the rain i suppose it's not surprising to see these guys driven into such small waterways. anyhow... one of our goals for the day was to get Arwyn a sandbox. Lorri discovered this would be a good investment after a day spent at Paul and Davnet's house. here is a picture of Arwyn enjoying her new crab-shaped sandbox!
we hope you are well and that you enjoyed your weekend. take care and stay tuned for more to come (i've got some good videos i need to upload)!
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