i baked the cake before she got up in the morning, decorated it during her nap, and Lorri and i made a few crude party hats (including one for Karl, of course - look carefully in the picture below) as well. all we had to do was wait for her to wake up from what turned out to be a long nap - which was fine, as the DVR is getting pretty fully of TV shows these busy days.
she was pretty excited when she came out, though a little apprehensive about the candles this time around for some reason. needless to say, when it came to the cake, she was excited. this clip doesn't really make that quite clear but it's cute in any case.
Arwyn's really been into singing of late, which is handy at party time. she wasn't so into it on this occasion but here's a (very short) rendition of Happy Birthday - along with a request for more cake.
anyhow, it was a fun way to spend part of our afternoon today. she clearly got a kick out of it, and hopefully so did Karl. then again, this shot of him makes us wonder what he thought of the whole thing - especially the eerily familiar cake...